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Kai Wu  吴 凯
Changjiang Distinguished Professor
Peking University Boya Distinguished Professor

Email: kaiwu(at)
Tel/Fax: 010-62754005

Academic & Administrative Experiences:

1983-1987, Zhejiang University, B. S. in Chemistry
1987-1991, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, Ph. D in Physical Chemistry
1992-1995, State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, DICP, Assistant/Associate Researcher
1995-1998, Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Germany, Visiting Scientist
1998-2000, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, DOE, USA,Postdoctoral Associate
2000-Present, Professor, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking university
2015, Dean, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking university
2016-2022, Vice Dean, Faculty of Science, Peking University

Awards and Honors:
1995, 3rd Class Award of Natural Science Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2001, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars
2008, P&G Teaching Award, Peking University
2013, Tens of thousands of talents Project candidates, Young and Middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions

2015, Special Government Allowances of the China State Council
2017, Peking University Teaching Excellence Award
Outstanding Teacher, 

Professional Activities:

Editorial board members, Acta Physico-Chemica SinicaChinese Journal of CatalysisActa Chimica Sinica, Chinese Science Bulletin
Associate Editor, Acta Physico-Chemica Sinica, Research, Chemistry (Huaxue Tongbao)
Editorial Advisory Board Member, Advanced Functional Materials
Member, National Committee of Physical Chemistry, Chinese Chemical Society
Member, 13th National Committee of Catalysis, Chinese Chemical Society
Member, 4th National Committee of Surface and Interface Physics, Chinese Physical Society

Teaching Courses:

Surface Structure and Analysis, Graduate Course
Modern Surface Science Techniques, Graduate Course
Surface Physical Chemistry, Graduate Course
Physical Chemistry, Undergraduate Course