
Principal Investigator

Dr. Hua Lu


Postdoctoral Associate

Zhengchu Zhang

Haolin Chen


Research Assistant

Wei Ji


Graduate Students

Class of 2019

Ruichi Zhao

Class of 2020

Shuo Wang

Letian Wang

Chunyan Lyu

Yahui He

Class of 2021

Yuanhao Dai

Yiming Sun

Haisen Zhou

Class of 2022

Xiaodong Jing

Jiongcheng Qing

Class of 2023

Yue Su

Hairuo Zhang

Xinyi Zhu

Class of 2024

Mingyuan Lu


Undergraduate Students



Yulong Ji (冀禹龙), undergraduate student (2019-2023), now a graduate student of UTokyo.

Jianhua Lu (鹿建华), graduate student(2018-2023), now a scientist in Dalian Changfeng.

Yi Zhang (张意), graduate student(2018-2023), now a teacher in Jiangsu Xishan Senior High School.

Wei Xiong (熊炜), graduate student(2015-2020), postdoc (2020-2022), now a postdoc at Georgia Tech.

Jialing Sun (孙佳玲), graduate student(2017-2022), now a scientist in Betta Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.

Guangqi Wu (吴广启), graduate student(2015-2020), postdoc (2020-2022), now a postdoc at MIT.

Ziyou Tian (田子由), postdoc (2019-2021), now a postdoc at Wenzhou Medical University with Prof. Qin-Yang Wang.

Hao Wang (王豪), graduate student(2016-2021), now a researcher in Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd.

Yali Hu (胡雅丽), graduate student(2016-2021), now a R&D supervisor in Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd.

Gan Wang (王淦), undergraduate research assistant(2017-2021), now a graduate student of NTU.

Yaoyi Wang (王耀翊), graduate student(2015-2020), now a senior engineer in Watson Saiser Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Ruijue Wang (王瑞珏), research assistant(2015-2019), now a PHD candidate in South China University of Technology.

Jingsong Yuan (袁劲松), graduate student(2014-2019), now a postdoc at Boston College with Prof. Jia Niu.

Yingqin Hou (侯颖钦), graduate student(2014-2019), now a postdoc at the Scripps Research Institute with Prof. Peng ...

Chong Zhang (张冲), postdoc (2016-2018), now a postdoc at the University of Tokyo with Prof. Takashi Kato.

Kai Sheng (盛开), research assistant(2015-2018), now a graduate student of the Scripps Research Institute.

Shupeng Yan (闫树鹏)undergraduate research assistant(2016-2018), now a graduate student of PKU.

Hantao Zhou (周涵韬), undergraduate research assistant(2016-2018), now a graduate student of Univ. Mass. at Amhers...

Xuhao Zhou (周旭豪), undergraduate research assistant(2015-2017), now a graduate student of Northwest University.

Kunyu Qiu (邱焜宇), undergraduate research assistant(2016-2017), now a graduate student of University of North Ca...

Yu Bo (薄宇), research assistant(2016-2017), now a PHD candidate in Ner Jersey Institution of Technology.

Yun Li (李芸), research assistant(2016-2017), now a PHD candidate in Imperial College London.

Dr.Shaolu Li (李少路), postdoctoral associate (2015-2017), now a faculty of Tianjin Polytechnic University.

Yu Zhou (周雨), research assistant(2015-2017), now a PHD candidate in Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials...

Jingfang Zhang (张婧芳), research assistant (2016-2017), now a PHD candidate in NKU.

Zezhou Li (李泽洲), research assistant (2015-2016), now a graduate student of PKU.

Yunlong Sun (孙云龙), research assistant (2014-2016), now a PHD candidate in Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academ...

JIn Yu (于晋), undergraduate research assistant (2014-2016), now a graduate student of UIUC.

Jingyu Wang (王京雨), undergraduate research assistant (2014-2016), now an intern in a company.

Yiqing Su (苏忆青), undergraduate research assistant (2014-2016), now an undergraduate student of PKU.

Qiran Zhai (翟奇然), undergraduate research assistant (2014-2015), now a graduate student of PKU.

Junyi Wu (吴俊亿), undergraduate research assistant (2014-2015), now a graduate student of University college Lo...