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Zhi-Xiang Yu

Professor Zhi-Xiang Yu
College of Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing, 100871

Office: (86-10) 6276-7735
FAX: (86-10)6275-1708
E-mail: yuzx@pku.edu.cn


2008-present Professor, College of Chemistry, Peking University

2004-2008 Associate Professor, College of Chemistry, Peking University

2001-2004 Postdoc. University of California, Los Angeles

1997-2001 Ph.D, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (computational organic chemistry)

1994-1997 MS, Peking University (synthetic organic chemistry)

1987-1991 BS, Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University

Honors, Awards and Recognitions
1. Chang-Jiang Professorship, Ministry of Education, China, 2015.
2. Nankai University Lectureship on Organic Chemistry, 2014.
3. Advisor of the Best 100 Ph.D Theses in China, 2012, Ministry of Education, China.
4. The Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (Singapore), the Asian Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry programs, 2012.
5. “Chinese Chemical Society-Sci Finder Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry”, 2011.
6. “Chinese Chemical Society-Physical Organic Chemistry Award”, 2011.
7. “Chinese Chemical Society-BASF Award”, 2011.
8. “Distinguished Lectureship Award”, the Asian Symposium of Annual Meeting of Chemical Society of Japan, 2010.
9. The Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (Japan), the Asian Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry programs, 2008.
10. The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China, 2008.
11. The Young Chemist Award, the Chinese Chemical Society & the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2008.
12. Thieme Synlett/Synthesis Journal Award, 2008.
13. Nominated for the Chancellor's Award for Postdoctoral Research, University of California, Los Angeles, 2004.
14. Research Excellence Award, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California, Los Angeles, 2004.