Wei Liu (2023)

Name:Wei Liu
Major:Organometallic Chemistry
Research Interests:Chemistry of Carbon-Rare Earth Metals and P4 Activation
E-mail: liuwei1996@pku.edu.cn
2018.9  2023.7, Peking University,Ph.D.
2014.9 – 2018.6, Nanjing UniversityB.S.
Research Experience
2023.7  present, Peking University, Postdoctoral Fellow in Organic Chemistry
1. Wei Liu#, Yaqi Zhao#, Wangyang Ma, Zhengqi Chai, Yibo Liang, Ze-Jie Lv, Ling Xu, Junnian Wei, and Wen-Xiong Zhang*, Cross-Carbanion Coupling at a Rare-Earth Center, Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2023, 4, 101479. ( #Authors contributed equally)