Jingyuan Hu(Ph.D. in 2022)

Name:Jingyuan Hu  
Major:Organometallic Chemistry
Research Interests:P4 Activation
2017.9 - 2022.7   Peking University, Ph.D.
2013.9 - 2017.7   Lanzhou University, B.S.
Hobbys:Football, Badminton
1. Jingyuan Hu, Zhengqi Chai, Wei Liu, Zhe Huang, Junnian Wei, and Wen-Xiong Zhang*, Phosphafluorenyl Lithiums: Direct Synthesis from White Phosphorus, Structure and Diversified Synthons, Sci. China Chem. 2022, 65, 322–327.
2. Jingyuan Hu, Wei Liu, and Wen-Xiong Zhang*, Direct Functionalization of White Phosphorus by Organolithium Reagents to Organophosphorus Compounds, Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. 2022, 197, 398–407. (Invited Review)
3. Jingyuan Hu, Zhengqi Chai, Wei Liu, Junnian Wei, Ze-Jie Lv and Wen-Xiong Zhang*, Direct and Chlorine-Free Synthesis of Phosphafluorenes or Their Oxides from White Phosphorus, Green Synth. Catal. 2023, 3, XXXX–XXXX.