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Prof. Jianbo Wang

Dr. Yan Zhang


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Wgroup member: Fei Li

Graduate student (2005.9 ~2009.7)


Tel: 8610-52768270 (Dorm), 8610-62754777(Lab)

1987. 07: Born in a small town in Jiangsu province, which is in the east of China.
Hobbies: Sports and Traveling

2005.9 ~ present: Expecting B.Sc. Degree in Chemistry, Peking University (in Professor Jianbo Wang’s group)
2002.9 ~ 2005.7: Finished High School Education at Rugao Middle School in Jiangsu province

B.Sc thesis: Studies towards Total Synthesis of R-(+)-Harmicine


(1) Gold-Catalyzed Halogenation of Aromatics by N-Halosuccinimides
Fanyang Mo, Jerry Mingtao Yan, Di Qiu, Fei Li, Yan Zhang and Jianbo Wang
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
2010, 49, 2028-2032.

(2) Enantioselective Synthesis of Condensed and Transannular Ring Skeletons Containing Pyrrolidine Moiety
Fanyang Mo, Fei Li, Di Qiu and Jianbo Wang
, 2010, 66, 1274-1279. Click here.

(3) Diastereoselective Addition of Lithium Enolate of gama-Substituted alpha–Diazoacetoacetate to N-Sulfinyl Imines
Fangyang Mo, Fei Li and Jianbo Wang
Chinese Science Bulletin
2010, 55, 2847-2854.


Peking University | College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering | Home Page

?2002 Wgroup, last updated April 12, 2018
Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Chemical Biology, College of Chemistry
Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China

Telephone: 8610-6275-7248 (O); 8610-6275-4777 (Lab) Fax: 8610-6275-1708